Although we recommend that the bulk of your Logic Games practice come from actual LSATs, it doesn’t hurt to stretch yourself on some simulated games. Thanks to Manhattan Prep and The LSAT Trainer, we extend to you the following free LSAT Logic Games samples. For those who have worked through all the actual LSAT Logic Games, these will feel familiar with just enough of a twist to hone your flexibility. We have also included solutions to four of the games: Basket Game, Circus Game, Crayon Box, and Groomer’s Challenge. You can either left-click on a link to view the file as an overlay or right-click and pull down to “Save link as…” to save it directly to your computer. Manhattan Prep hosts online contests for the best explanations to their games, and you can submit your entry for the most recent game, currently “Volleyball Game (#40),” by visiting the Logic Challenge forum. These are meant to supplement your practice with actual LSAT Logic Games, not as a substitute for it.
Help us spread the word by clicking the button below, and you can download a zip folder with the complete pack of games and solutions. Alternatively, you can log in or sign up for a free account to download these and all our other self-study materials.

Volleyball Game (#40)
Questions 1–7
A group of seven high school seniors—Paul, Quita, Ron, Sammy, Tim, Vanessa and Wanda—are trying to decide which of them will attend a volleyball game. At least two of them must attend. The following conditions apply:
Ron and Tim cannot attend the game together.
If Paul attends the game, so does Tim.
If Ron does not attend the game, neither does Vanessa.
If Wanda or Tim attends the game, they attend together.
Sammy attends the game if, and only if, Quita does not attend.
1. Which of the following could be a complete and accurate list of students who attend the game?
(A) Quita, Ron, Sammy, Vanessa
(B) Paul, Sammy, Tim
(C) Ron, Tim, Vanessa
(D) Quita, Tim, Wanda
(E) Wanda, Sammy, Paul
2. If Wanda does not attend the game, which of the following must be true?
(A) Ron does not attend the game.
(B) Vanessa does not attend the game.
(C) Ron and Vanessa do not both attend the game.
(D) Either Ron or Vanessa attends the game.
(E) Either Ron or Vanessa, but not both, attend the game.
3. Which of the following could be true?
(A) Both Vanessa and Paul attend the game.
(B) Both Vanessa and Wanda attend the game.
(C) Neither Ron nor Tim attends the game.
(D) Neither Sammy nor Quita attends the game.
(E) Neither Paul nor Ron attends the game.
4. What is the minimum number of students who do not attend the game?
(A) 4
(B) 3
(C) 2
(D) 1
(E) 0
5. If Tim attends the game, which of the following could be true?
(A) Quita does not attend the game but Ron does.
(B) Sammy does not attend the game but Vanessa does.
(C) Neither Quita nor Sammy attends the game.
(D) Neither Quita nor Paul attends the game.
(E) Exactly five students attend the game.
6. If the condition that requires that at least two students attend the game is replaced by a condition that requires that exactly three students attend the game, how many combinations of students attending the game are possible?
(A) 2
(B) 3
(C) 4
(D) 5
(E) 6
7. Which of the following, if substituted for the condition that if Paul attends the game, so does Tim, would have the same effect in determining who can attend the game together?
(A) Either Paul and Wanda attend the game together or neither attends.
(B) Wanda does not attend the game only if Paul does not attend the game.
(C) Tim does not attend the game if Paul does not attend the game.
(D) Paul cannot attend the game unless Vanessa does not attend.
(E) If Paul attends the game, then at most four students attend the game.
Thank you for these practice sheets. They are so helpful.